2022 'The Vast Arc' – the work of Barbara Campbell-Allen A3 folio of recent work, Greg Piper photography and forward by Anna Johnson, Rochfort Gallery
2020 'Elemental Presence' - The Work of Barbara Campbell-Allen A3 folio of recent work, Greg Piper photos and forward by Anna Johnson, Rochfort Gallery
2020'An Informed Magic', Rose of Sharon Leake, Art Edit, p77-80
2017'Gondwana Horizon', Jan Howlin, The Journal of Australian Ceramics 56/1
2015Barbara Campbell-Allen – 'An Australian Landscape Narrative', video as part of TACA film festival part of Australian Ceramic Triennial ‘Stepping Up’, Words & Vision Productions, Canberra

2014 Fantasticology Yokyo: Faults, Flesh and Flowers, Karen Weiss, the journal of Australian Ceramics, 53/3
2013 Overland: from the Cradle to the Lake, Margaret Farmer, The Journal of Australian Ceramics 52/3
2011 The Art of Woodfire – a Contemporary Ceramics Practice, Owen Rye, Mansfield Press, p40-41, 75 & 88
2009 All That Is Solid: the Ceramics of Barbara Campbell-Allen, Trisha Dean, Craft Arts International Issue 76
2008 Slab Built Ceramics Coll Minogue, The Crowood Press, p20-23
2006 A Serendipitous Adventure, Dick Aitken, Ceramics Technical No 21993
2002 Nature with a Hint of Architecture, Sue Steggall, Pottery in Australia 41/1 Barbara Campbell-Allen Born of Survival, Marilyn Walters, Ceramics: Art and Perception No 50
1998 Spire, Oblong, Circle and Square, Virginia Hollister, Pottery in Australia, 37/2
1993 Ceramics by Barbara Campbell-Allen, Stephen Fox, Craft Arts International No.28

Articles Published

2010 A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing, The Journal of Australian Ceramics 49/1
2009 Exploring the Natural World, The Log Book, Issue 39
2008 Sturt Woodfire ’08, The Journal of Australian Ceramics 47/2
2007 Waltzing Matilda – A Fat, Wide, Lazy Number, The Journal of Australian Ceramics 46/3
2004 Denial is Not a River in Egypt, Ceramics Technical No.19
2004 Beyond Earth – Exploring the Plastic Limits of Clay, Journal of Australian Ceramics 43/3
2002 Anagama Firebox Colour, Ceramics Technical No 12 ‘Magic and Ash’ in Wood Firing Journeys and Techniques, Ceramic Review, The American Ceramic Society
2002 Traditional Egyptian Potters, Ceramics Technical No.14
2000 Magic and Ash, Ceramics Monthly, 48/8
1999 Paperclay in the Anagama, and Anagama Firebox Colour in Different Stokes, Proceedings
of the 1999 International Woodfire Conference, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 1997 Contemporary Anagama Practice, Ceramics Technical No.4
1997 Where There’s Smoke…, Pottery in Australia 36/1
1995 Variable or Vagary, Pottery in Australia 34/2