Professional Practice
2005–2006 President of the Ceramic Association of Australia
2002–2003 Consultant to ceramic export company in Egypt – masterplan facilities and technical
2001–2002 Consultant to ceramic export company in Egypt – product development and quality control
2000–2004 President, Workshop Arts Centre
1985–1991 Sole trader supplying Australian galleries
1981–1985 Partner in production studio supplying domestic stoneware to Australian
Teaching and Lecturing Practice
2014 Anagama Wood Firing, Tutor, Gaya Ceramic Arts Centre, Ubud, Bali
2012 Anagama Wood Firing, Tutor, Gaya Ceramic Arts Centre, Ubud, Bali
2011 Conference Panellist Tasmanian Woodfire Conference
2009 Guest lecturer ANU Canberra
2010 Current Tutor TAFE Hornsby TAFE
2007 Current Woodfire workshops, Kurmond
2005 Panel Coordinator, Gundaroo Woodfire, Gundaroo, NSW
2002 Conference Panellist, Tanja Woodfire, Tanja, NSW
2002 Guest Lecture, NAS, Sydney
2000 Guest Tutor National Art School, Sydney
1999 Conference Panellist, Different Stokes, 1999 International Woodfire Conference, Iowa City, Iowa
1999 ‘Site As’ Workshops at Bundanon, Boyd Education Centre, Nowra
1998–2000 ‘WAC-ED’ In-Service program provider for Art Teachers, Workshop Arts Centre, Willoughby
1987 Current Ceramic Educator and Specialist Instructor at the Workshop Arts Centre, Willoughby
1977–1978 Ceramics Tutor for Adult Education Programmes
Curatorial Practice
2011Curator of ‘Dynamic Ceramic’, Mary Place Gallery, Sydney
2005Curator of ‘Beyond Earth’ ceramic exhibition at Manly Art Gallery and Museum
2003 Director and Curator of ‘Out of Earth' Symposium